Google Supercharges Research Assistant: NotebookLM Gets Gemini 1.5 Pro Upgrade

Google Supercharges Research Assistant: NotebookLM Gets Gemini 1.5 Pro Upgrade

Global Launch: Unleashing Research Power

Google Labs has unveiled a significant upgrade to its AI-powered research and writing assistant, NotebookLM. This powerful update, empowered by the latest advancements in Google AI’s Gemini 1.5 Pro technology, is now available in over 200 countries and territories worldwide.

Unlocking Insights with AI

“We’re excited to empower researchers and writers globally,” said Steven Johnson, Editorial Director at Google Labs. “With Gemini 1.5 Pro, NotebookLM unlocks deeper research and writing experiences. Users can now explore vast information landscapes and generate insightful connections more effectively”.

Empowering Research and Writing

Since its inception, NotebookLM has aimed to transform research and writing workflows. This upgrade delivers a range of new features designed to further enhance these capabilities:

  • Expanded Source Compatibility: Go beyond traditional documents! NotebookLM now accepts Google Slides presentations and website URLs alongside existing support for Google Docs, PDFs, and text files.
  • Enhanced Fact-Checking for Trustworthy Research: Inline citations seamlessly link you to the supporting text within your uploaded sources. Effortlessly verify AI-generated responses and dive deeper into original content.
  • Streamlined Information Access: The new Notebook Guide provides a high-level overview by converting your uploaded materials into user-friendly formats like FAQs, summaries, or study guide.
  • Multimodal Understanding with Visual Insights: Fueled by Gemini 1.5 Pro’s capabilities, NotebookLM can now answer questions and reference images, charts, and diagrams within Google Slides and Docs. Relevant image citations are automatically included, strengthening your research foundation

Getting Started with NotebookLM

Google Supercharges Research Assistant New users can easily begin their journey with NotebookLM! Simply create a notebook and upload the relevant documents for your project. NotebookLM empowers you to read, take notes, ask in-depth questions, organize your ideas, or have summaries like study guides or tables of contents automatically generated. Most importantly, your uploaded source materials are never used to train the model, ensuring user privacy.

Revolutionize your research and writing with NotebookLM’s AI-powered capabilities. Get started today and unlock a world of insights!

Try out NotebookLM’s powerful features for free by going to


Tech Editor, gear head , photographer, videographer, editor and all around lover of technology.

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