Delsan Office Systems Corp.’s head adopts former school


Odilon A. Santos, a proud alumni of Pio Valenzuela Elementary School (PVES) in Valenzuela City and the President and CEO of Delsan Office Systems Corporation, went his way to contribute for the improvement of his former school.


Under the Adopt-A-School program of the Department of Education, Delsan Office Systems Corporation helped in the renovation of the school’s building and donated several equipment for the classrooms.

This is in line with Delsan’s commitment to help society as education is Santos’ primary advocacy.

The leading supplier of printing services and business process solutions turned over 10 laser printers and one projector to principal Lilibeth S. Gozo and Adopt-A-School coordinator Sammy B. Mariano.

Aside from this, Delsan Office Systems Corp. also financed the renovation of Gabaldon Building inside Pio Valenzuela Elementary School, the structure Santos recalls as the backdrop of his playing ground.


“I truly believe in the proverb, ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ Education fuels you towards doing meaningful things. It is the only treasure that no one can steal from you,” Santos says.

He also recalls that during his time in the school, the learning tools and resources he had were rather limited. It was an inconvenience  that he now wants to alleviate for the current students of his alma mater.

“This is the reason why I chose to support Pio Valenzuela Elementary School under the Adopt-A-School program of the Department of Education” he says.

Through this activity, the DepEd encourages the private sector to help in the upgrading and modernization of public schools nationwide.

Santos says supporting the Adopt-A-School program is one way of giving back to society which has welcomed and patronized the services of Delsan Office Systems Corporation over the past 25 years.

He hopes the equipment imparted by his organization to PVES shall make learning among students more interactive and encourage the teachers to embrace innovation and change within their teaching ways.






Tech Editor, gear head , photographer, videographer, editor and all around lover of technology.

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